The Biophilium is a nomadic, artist run residency program that offers
unique opportunities for smart creative people to study the natural world with the support of research scientists.
It's our pleasure to offer online classes so you can easily participate from home.
We look forward to resuming field expeditions in 2025.
Our online webinars are courses of 10 lectures with discussions and artists talks for practicing creative people.
Our in person artist residencies are 3 day long research expeditions in wild places.

Current topics include: conservation, evolution, ecology, ornithology, mycology, neurology and death.
Making art is half observing and half creating. The Biophilium empowers artists to observe and interpret nature with like minded smart creative people.

Our science representatives study life in prestigious research labs around the world.

"It's like an awesome science summer camp for artists."
"I learned so much more than I anticipated and loved the people."
"A geekfest with great food!"

The Biophilium’s goal is to support the conceptual development of contemporary art and to facilitate conversation between scientists, artists and thinkers of all kinds. Together we meet experts, peek behind the scenes and ask questions about the nature of ecology. We hope to help artists direct the attentions of their audiences to the natural world. |

The Biophilium Brain Club is a free monthly online meeting for artists to talk about mental health and thriving through changes in brain function.
The Biophlium has been hosting research programs for artists since 2014.
