These photos are of previous Submerge expeditions in Canada, but this program will happen in Thailand.
Deep Dive Deep Dive is a research residency for conceptual artists and writers to study marine ecology as creative naturalists with the suport of a team of research biologists and conservationists. It will take place over 1 week in person in Thailand during the December Humpback Whale migration. The residency includes daily field trips into the sea with a different biologist or conservationist each day who will tell us about their research and introduce us to the organisms they work with. We will also explore the shorelines together as a group of eco-artists and hear about each artists' practice. Deep Dive is designed to offer a nourishing and adventurous context for creative thinkers to indulge in deep exploration and contemplation of concepts for creative projects. No previous marine biology experience needed. No creative proposal needed. The housing and food will be luxurious and the adventures and traveling may be rugged and physically demanding. We will be snorkeling, not SCUBA diving and will recieve a snorkling lesson on the first day. Outline
All activities will be online. Stay tuned for updated outline Freediving Lesson: We will be exploring the sea shore and reefs with snorkles rather than SCUBA, so you do not need a diving licence, but should be a confidant swimmer. We'll learn from expert snorklers how to maximize our naturalism experience and conserve our energy. Sea Slugs with Dr. Rahul of the ATMEC: Search for Nudibrachs with an international authority who will lead us in a search for new species never before described by science. Whale Sharks with New Haven Reef Conservation: swim with gentle giants. Humpback Whale Migration: Travel on a research vestle to observe the migration. Undrowned: Virtual reading with Alexis Blumb of poetic and loving Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals. Message from the Gyre: Vitrual artist talk with Chris Jordan about photographing plastic swallowed by sea birds. Sea Birding Trophic Cascades and Coral Reef Restauration Artist talk: We invite you to give a private artist talk to share your work with the group. We will hear from one artist every day. Daily Snorkling and Beach Combing: In addition to daily outings with marine biologists and conservationinsts who will take us in the water and out on boats, we will casually explore shorelines together as a group of artists. We will use the buddy system and look out for each other's safety and comfort with an all for one policy. Bioluminescence in Marine Organisms Talk on Contemporary artists working with wild water Climate Change, Rising Ocean Levels and Ocean Acidification Ecology of Kelp Forests
Cost This program is designed for Ayatana/Biophilum alumni, but if you've been invited and know someone who should come with us, please let us know. If you have never done an Ayanata/Biophilium program and would like to be considered for placement, we will accept a portfolio of 5 - 10 work samples, an artist/research statement and this form as an application.
Photos of previous in person Ayatana's Biophilum water residencies: