A Big Weekend of Birding with the Biophilium RSVP by March 15, 2025 The Biophilium's Big Week is a guided birding expedition with a small group of artists during spring migration at Point Pelee National Park. Canada's birdiest hot spot draws crowds of the most dedicated twitchers. We will spend a three nights camping in the park doing nothing but birding and talking about wildlife and art. The program will feature field observation and outings. Parliament of Owls is a specialized guided research residency that focuses on birds. The entire program will be spent outdoors with twice daily birding outings and interactions with ornithologists, conservationists, naturalists and professional bird photographers, Outline
All activities are subject to change depending on ecological conditions, expert availability and other uncontrollable variables. Outings will go ahead rain or shine. Dawn at the Tip: Point Pelee is a long finger of forested land that sticks out into Lake Eerie. Migrants touch down at the tip after crossing the great lake. Large numbers of Waterfowl, Warblers & Woodpeckers can be expected to be seen. Hillman Marsh Conservation Center for waders. Weatley National Park for woodland songbirds. Kopegaron Woods for nesting Woodpeckers. Dawn Chorus: Residents will stroll through the Park at day break to hear the dawn chorus lead by a field naturalist with expertise in identifying birds by song. Click Chi: Stretching and visualization with a camera. Live Birds in Contemporary Art: Interpretations of conceptual bio-art with the director of the Biophilium
Logistics: Cost:
What is included: How to apply
Send the following material to ArtLovesScience@gmail.com
1. Artist CV
2. Artist statement (about 200 words)
3. Ayatana form
4. Portfolio 5 – 10 examples of your work
Only applications that follow these guidelines will be considered. Friend us on face book for future calls for applications and posts about art and science For more images of past Biophilia adventures see our face book albums Parliament of Owls 2019, Chelsea Quebec Parliament of Owls 2018, Chelsea Quebec Parliament of Owls May 2017, Chelsea, Quebec Biophilia July 2015, Wolfville, Nova Scotia Biophilia Sept 2014 Wakefield, Quebec